Week 7 of Your Pregnancy

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Hi Hernee,
your body is really starting to adjust to your pregnancy this week and you may start to feel it! The next several weeks may be rough if you experience morning sickness and feel increasingly tired. Just remember to take it easy, get plenty of rest, and eat as healthfully as possible.

Your Pregnant Body

Hernee, just in case you're feeling a bit old - since you'll be someone's mom before you know it - this week might make you feel like a kid again. Remember pimples? Surging pregnancy hormones may make your skin extra oily and prone to breakouts, just like when you were a teenager. Those same hormones may also make your hair thicker and lustrous (although some women experience the opposite during pregnancy!). And your expanding uterus and increased fluid processed by your kidneys will make you urinate more often.

Your Baby

The size of a small bean
Your baby is tiny but growing fast! He or she is the size of a small bean - about half an inch long - this week and has an oversized head in proportion to its body. His or her facial features are still forming, its eyes are just black spots, there are little openings where the nostrils will be, and pits to mark the ears. Protruding buds that will become arms and legs are more noticeable now, and the hands and feet look like tiny paddles. You can't hear it yet, but its little heart is beating about 150 beats per minute (roughly twice the rate of yours.) Click here to see an image of a baby at 7 weeks.

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